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Stone Fabrication

Stone Fabrication Profile Options

  • Thermal

    This option provides a uniform, coarse finish with a flat face, while removing the sawcut marks from cutting the stone. This option is utilized in various applications.

  • Rock Face

    This option provides a rustic, natural face through a precise hand-chiseling process. This option is most popular for hearths, mantels, and wall caps.

  • Eased Edge

    This option provides a partial round face, which requires grinding the sharp top face of the stone. This option is most popular for seating wall caps and pool coping.

  • Bullnose

    This options provides a full round face, which requires several applications of grinding to remove the top and bottom sharpness from the stone face. This option is most popular for pool coping.

Stone Fabrication

Interested in getting stone fabrication services (cut stone to custom size and preference)?